Dynaxys Receives Its CMMI Level 3 Accreditation
Dynaxys LLC, an accounting, business services and technology provider for government agencies and private companies, was appraised as a Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Level 3 organization for software development. Vice President Cindy Mumford stated, “Achieving this successful appraisal confirms the quality and strength of our software development processes.”
CMMI is recognized as a standard of excellence by government and industry. The CMMI models represent five maturity levels as the foundation for continuous process improvement. At Level 3, an organization’s processes are mature, defined and repeatable.
To prepare for the appraisal, the Dynaxys Software Development Team reviewed, analyzed and documented software development processes and then demonstrated those processes on multiple projects. The final step was a three-day appraisal effort conducted by Entinex, a licensed appraisal company.
About Dynaxys
Dynaxys is a woman-owned small business that delivers software, hosting and accounting solutions to government, commercial and non-profit customers. The company uses its expertise in outsourced accounting, business services and application development to invest in innovative solutions for its clients. From Dynaxys you can always “Expect Above and Beyond.” More information can be found at www.dynaxys.com.